Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Best Friends' Tenth Wedding Anniversary

Parties are part of our social life. You can never live without it unless you decide to live like a hermit all your life. It is the only time that our family, friends and love ones gather together to share such a momentous occasion with us. Last Sunday was one of these momentous occasions. I was invited to my friends’ tenth wedding anniversary party. Both of them are my classmates back in grade school and high school. Both of them are my good friends as well. However I still have second thoughts since I know it is going to be a huge event and it is going to be too crowded for me. I could cook up an alibi and I know they will believe me. But I have been ignoring their invitations way too many times already. In spite of my antisocial behavior, I decided to show up even for just an hour or too.

Their home is just three blocks away from where I live. But I have not been there for a long period of time. The house still looks the same except for the added window shutters and window boxes. They also added a small swimming pool in the back yard. Their patio where the party was set up was adorned with these elegant looking exterior wall lights called The Carrington Style - One Lamp Lantern Fixture which seems to be noticed by everybody. According to my friend they only ordered these Amber Marbelize Glass shade exterior wall lights since they were highly recommended by one of their relatives. They were thinking of buying the wall lights made of ceramics until the Carrington Style - One Lamp Lantern Fixture caught their eye.

The party was a success! I survived! I have reunited with my old friends and realized how much I missed them. I know I will not be seeing them for a long time since most of them are living abroad and this is the only time that they happen to be home. I am glad that I attended their party.

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