Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Take Good Care Of Our Eyes

My eyes hurt every now and then. According to the EENT (Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat) specialist, this is called eye strain or eye fatigue. Other than frequent headaches, red watery eyes and other eye discomforts, I have nothing else to worry as this is not life threatening. The most uncomfortable thing is that, even when I am inside my room, I cannot move around with out a pair shaded eye protection glasses or otherwise move around with my eyes close as bright lights will make me tear for no reason. 

According to the good doctor, this happened because I have been working my eyes too much. All I need to do is to give my eyes a rest for at least a minute or two when they start to hurt already. He also gave me a few tips to prevent this from happening in the future such as the proper adjustment of the computer screen which should be 20-26 inches away from my eyes and a little below eye level. Adding a glare filter on the screen also helps. I should also get proper sleep. Moreover, lighting is also a big factor in preventing eye strain. However, no matter how hard it is to follow my doctor’s advice, I still to follow every one of them. Well, except for sleep, adhering to the proper computer screen adjustment, adding a glare filter, and proper lighting. As for the lighting, the 6.5 inched Block Pendant Light with Star Pattern in my room is just perfect as the star patterns throw a soft glow which does not hurt my eyes. I was thinking of painting this ceramic lighting to a different shade but I decided to keep its white bisque. It is also good thing that my brother had the dimmers installed in every lighting fixture in the house. 


Taking good care of our eyes is important. Eye strain or eye fatigue is probably not life threatening but if we disregard our doctor’s advice this may lead to blindness. Surely, we do not want to lose our eyesight because of negligence.

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