Almost all of us wants to be a hero in our own little way. We do not need capes, suits, masks, and superpower abilities or a super brilliant mind like Batman to save and protect not only the the ones we love but also the world. We do not need to be vigilantes as well. All we need is a heart and compassion to make a difference, perseverance, and dedication. Saving the world is not just a one day job. It is a lifetime opportunity.
Still want to save the world? You can, by starting in your home. Do you know that you are helping in saving the world my using energy saving bulbs in your wall lights such as LED lights of light-emitting diode, halogen or compact florescent lamps? It does not cut down your electricity bill but it also helps reduce air and water pollution. Remember that some electric companies here and abroad still run on fossil fuels and coals which emits a whooping 21.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which is a big contributor of global warming. But even if your electric company runs on the solar energy, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, or geothermal, you still need to learn in save energy. Change starts from within.
Another way of saving the world is by planting trees. Trees help control the global warming, floods, oil erosion and landslides. Moreover, trees produce oxygen. It also filters the air we breathe. Planting more trees and plants is a much better option compared to humidifiers and air conditions. It is free.
Moreover, you can make a huge contribution in saving the world by following the three Rs in waste management- reduce, reuse and recycle. Waste reduction can be achieved by turning off your electric appliances or electric lamps when not in use, using energy saving lamps and carpooling. Reusing can be done by donating those items that you are no longer using such as old clothes. An example of recycling is when you make a chair out of plastic bottles.
Being a hero is not easy. However, if being one can make this world a better place, we don't need another planet to live in.
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