Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Using LED For Ceramic Lighting To Fight Global Warming

The plea to stop global warming is not something we just can’t ignore for it will affect us all. People who want to make a change for the betterment of this planet gather in a group to ensure that their cause is heard and acted upon. In response to this cause, government, non-government organizations, private sectors and business groups join hands in support of saving this planet.


Manufacturers of lighting fixtures and other manufacturing companies are among the business groups that support the fight against global warming. They ensure that the materials used in producing lighting fixtures such as ceiling lights, exterior wall lights, sconce lights and the likes are natural or organic such as earthenware clay. They also encourage the use of LED (light emitting diode) lamps and CFL (compact florescent light) because these types of light bulbs are energy savers compared to incandescent light. In addition, more citizens especially parents are becoming environment friendly as well. Surely, any parent wants to provide a safe place for their children and their children’s children in their growing up years. For this reason, they ensure that everything inside their home is child friendly or safe such as the children’s lighting, wall paint, and even their toys. Everything should be made from organic and non-biodegradable materials. It should also be lead-free. Moreover, organic food is most likely served on the table which more often than not will probably create a dispute between parents and their kids.

The battle against global warming should not be taken for granted. We should make it our business otherwise we should prepare ourselves with more acts of nature such as Typhoon Haiyan which had not only destroyed livelihood, building infrastructures but had taken thousands of lives in the Philippines. We all know that this is not going to be the last.

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