Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Religion And Me


Religion is one of the most sensitive topics and is often avoided. All of us are free to choose our religion. All of us may not share the same religion but we believe that there is a powerful deity or a supreme being who will save us all. 

I am born and raised a Roman Catholic. I grew up religious and was even schooled in a Roman Catholic school. I know that many Christian believers frown upon Roman Catholicism because of its "pagan practices", devotion and prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints and a long list of scandals. In defense to my religion, if we practice paganism but don't we all? Don't we all celebrate Christmas Day and Easter? Don't we all believe in the Holy Spirit? In regards to our devotion and prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, well, it is only right to love and respect the Blessed Virgin Mary the same way Jesus Christ loves and respects her. We love her the same way we love our mother. We pray the rosary for the salvation of souls including our own. We are praying in repetition not because God does not hear us right away. He heard us the first time. The rest of the prayers are meant for us. We are asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and saints not only to save us but to protect, guide and bless us at all times. As for the scandals, we are only humans. We are not free from sin and that includes not just priests, but pastors and other religious leaders too.

attractive wall lantern fixture adorning the entry ways

I have great respect for other people's religion. I have several friends who belongs to different religion. I have several friends who does not belong to other any religion as well. We are free to go to any church we want. But I only go to the Roman Catholic church. I always felt at home whenever I see the pews, the attractive wall lantern fixture adorning the entry ways, the images of the angels and saints, the altar and the tabernacle which houses the Eucharist. Others may not find the Roman Catholic agreeable and since our religion cannot save us why change?

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