Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Safety Comes First


There is nothing more important than the life, health and safety of our love ones and family. Everyday of our lives, we always make sure that we give only the best to them. They are the reasons for all our hard-works and perseverance. It is probably one of the reasons why some people go nuts because they have no one to offer the fruits of their labor. They felt unloved.

The Penitent Thief With Jesus

They say that nobody is fundamentally evil and yet you hear news about someone killing another. Something is not right somewhere. But base on other people's opinions, people do something bad because they grew up without the love of a family. They experienced cruelty and criticisms while growing up either from their family, from those they considered as one, from their love ones. While others say that people becomes bad because they decide to become bad. Sure, we are given the freedom or freewill to choose between good and evil but remember choosing to become evil has a price unless the perpetrator claims insanity based on the law of men. But what about the law of heaven? On the other hand, some people claims that no matter how bad or evil a person is, there is always something good in him that needs to be rehabilitated. Remember the penitent thief in the Bible? 

Sure, the world is dangerous. There is always the fear of losing the ones we love. All we have to do is pray that nothing bad will happen to them. We also have to ensure that we give them a safe haven by making sure that our homes are equipped with functional alarm system and we should be using only UL listed wall lamps and luminaries and electronic appliances. It does not matter if we spend thousands of dollars to keep our family and love ones safe. Remember that we can always earn the money back but not the lives of the ones we love.

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