Friday, July 19, 2013

The Gift Of Reading

Reading a good book has been my favorite hobby since time I can remember. I still have the set of bible books stories which my mom bought me. The set includes the story of David who in spite of his size has won against the giant Goliath, Jonah who was swallowed by the whale, my favorite which is the birth of our dear Savior in manger of Bethlehem, the story of Noah who built the great ark which protected him and his family and the thousand beasts which were gathered by pair of each kind, and the story of Adam and Eve. My mom and I used to read all five books together every night before going to sleep. Unfortunate, I do not have these books anymore. Years and months of reading the same books all over again may have brought the books to their end. They were later replaced with two more sets of Bible books which I still have until now and I have no plans of donating them yet to Farenheit 451 Books. But I have several paperbacks which I am planning to give away.

Farenheit 451 Books, a local book store which is located in 325 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite B-1, Carlsbad, California, 92008. They have a huge selection of hard to find books, hardbound and softbound or paperbacks, fiction, non-fiction, novels and many others. They are also selling new, used and ancient books. They also specializes in book restoration and repairs. Unfortunately, the first set of Bible books I have are beyond repair and restoration. Moreover, they are also buying hard to find books.

There is nothing more fun than reading a good book. They will bring you to places you have never been to, introduce you to people you have never met especially those who are part of our history, stimulate your mind to think, informs you, improves your vocabulary, widens your horizon and teach you lessons or values.They are probably the reasons why my mom never complains even if I leave the 13 inched home sweet home ceramic table light on.

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